Why the EEG is not solving anything
Hey guys,
today i wanna give you some insight on the so called EEG "renewable energy law" in germany.
The reason for this now 20year old law was, to make germany more sustainable and to move on to renewable energy creation.
What it brought to us is now the highest electricity price per kwh in the whole EU.
Here is what we have to pay for electricity in germany: 30,88 cent per kwh. That is the most in whole Europe.
The bad thing about it is, we have to pay for preliminary shutting down atomic-plants, have to pay for supporting wind energy and solar energy, as they cannot compete in a free market.
We are not allowed to contract cheap energy from any other european country. We can only buy expensive "green" energy from german suppliers.
This is the biggest bullshit ever, as e.g. france builds new atomic plants, poland produces cheap energy out of coal and is supported by european funds.
Looking outside the EU, e.g. china will build hundreds of new atomic plants in the next years. Even the pope of new tech "Elon Musk" promotes atomic energy as necessary to have enough power for all the electric cars, that maybe being build.
Just my five cents
Now this is how the energy-prices went up in 2022. Of course included in this is the war in ukraine. But nevertheless our government decided on final shutdown of all atomic plants in germany in april 2023. So to get the needed electric energy,
we have to buy it in other european countries at a much higher price or use our coal-plants with involved influence on the climate.
Another point is the destruction of the 2 gas pipelines from russia, northstream 1 and 2. Both were sabotaged and until today our government has not felt to put reasonable effort in finding the terrorists. Instead we buy now fracking-gas from the US,
which is transported over the ocean in big ships with questionable ecologic outcome. We even built new terminals for the reception of these ships.
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