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Howto connect a HP touchpad bluetooth keyboard with windows

So i got this old bluetooth keyboard for my old HP Touchpad. 

It had a HP OS called WebOS and was quite good. Unfortunately HP canceled the WebOS Dev. and all Hardware with it. So it was abandoned in 2015.

Now i still have the bluetooth keyboard from HP that i wanna connect to my Win10.

The problem is that windows does not say, what needs to be done to do so. 

So when you add the keyboard as a new bluetooth device windows asks for a PIN like 0000 or something.

The issue is, the keyboard generates a unique PIN, that windows displays sometimes, sometimes not.

So there are 2 possibilites:

1. When windows presents a indiviual pin, just type this pin on the HP touchpad keyboard and press return afterward. You are then connected.

2. When windows does not present a pin, but asks to enter a pin, enter any pin like 0000 in the field in windows and press connect. Now comes the trick, that windows does not explain: just enter this pin you just entered in windows, also in the HP keyboard and press again return. You are connected.

I hope this helps. I can use the bluetooth keyboard now again. Saved some electronics from going to disposal.

