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Defective Sous Vide SVS-1000 from Aldi

Hi guys,

here is my next repair project. We bought a Sous Vide from Aldi Nord for around 50 bucks. These gadgets are awesome, when you wanna make meat really smooth and tasty, only down is, that it takes hours before it is finalized.

So our Sous Vide suddenly did not heat any more and i did not wanna throw it away. So I wanted to try to repair it. Saying this there was a big issue, how to get this thing open. On YouTube no one had any video, how to open it up, just these stupid unboxing videos no one  wanna see. But these kids seem not to be able to do more than unboxing... :-(

So here is what i found out:

Good news is you do not need to break anything by force, you can easily remove the top black cover with e.g. a thin wire pulling under the cover and loosening it up. It is just glued to the plastic top cover. 


Then you can remove the screws and take off the cover. 


Now you need to loose some more screws, that hold the power line in place to be able to pull out the electronic board of the Sous Vide. 

Here we go. 


Now the issue is the relays, you can see in the picture. The switching circuit still worked, but it did no longer close the circuit on the power side.

The solution was easy, just to replace it. I used a replacement relay with 12V DC switch power and 16A, 250V AC on the power side. It is about 5 bucks.


I again used my desoldering gun, which did again a great job getting the solder off the circuit. 

After resoldering everything back i did some testing and all worked fine again. 

So i hope this helps a bit. If anybody of you have some more repair hints, i would be glad to post them or post a link to your site.





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